Sunday, May 6, 2018

Big Ag can take a hike

Nothing but rain this weekend. I'll bet we had 3 inches of rain yesterday. So, what did we do? We built an outdoor cat condo.  And of course, our cats love it. Makes me happy when our animals are happy.

We had some scrap treated wood and we built the  4ft x 4ft space to fit into our window so the cats can just walk out.

Couple of things that got my attention in the news this week, romaine lettuce being recalled and 17 tons of ground beef being recalled due to plastic pieces being found in it. I mean how does that even happen? Someone please explain this to me. 

The romaine lettuce with E coli is a huge problem. My issue with this is that the majority of all romaine in this country is washed in the same sink. So, if that one sink or packing house is contaminated then you can bet a lot of people are going to get sick. And, its going to have a huge impact on the popularity of all romaine lettuce. Big Ag is not the answer to feeding our nation. I'm sorry, but bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to our nations food. As you can see, from this past week, our big beef industry and the romaine lettuce industries both failed the American public. Makes me wonder.. what else is in our food? I know whats in mine. Do you? Buy local food, go visit the farmer and if you like what see then buy.

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